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Best Books For Your Personal and Financial Growth

Best Books For Your

posted on Dec 18, 2018


Books you should read before the New Year

“Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light” –Vera Nazarian

When was the last time you read a good book and went on an adventure, learned something new, exercised your brain, and fed your curiosities?

We do not encourage you to read books just to keep yourself busy or to satisfy some of your curiosities. You should read more books because the more you read, the more you understand the world around you. And when you read books, you discover life beyond what you already know.

For any career oriented individual looking to experience success at work and financially, here are investment, personal finance and career books you should be reading if you re yet to get started with reading the books that are right for you.

Best Personal Finance Books

“Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together”. A lot of young adults have a tough time understanding and getting their financial life together. But this guide written by a millennial for millennials offers great advice in a relatable, conversational tone. The book covers much of the basic financial information that any young adult might need, including breakdowns of various financial products, and how to overcome mental blocks about money.  

To take this a step further, you should also read, “Your Money or Your Life” The book emphasizes the nine steps to transforming your relationship with money and achieving financially independence. If you would like to understand money management a lot better, then this book is a good read to achieve just that. The book also elaborates the need to make smart life choices regarding work, life and money, thereby helping you achieve a financially happy, work-life balance.

Best Investment Books

For the young or new investor, there is no better book to get started than, “Bogleheads Guide to Investing”. The book explains in an easy to understand way investing, mutual funds, bond funds, asset allocation, taxes and more. You don’t need an investing experience before you understand this book, it’s very easy to read. If you feel overwhelmed by investing and investments, then you should read this book.

Another book you should read to understand investment better is, “The Four Pillars of Investing”. This book takes you through concepts like risk and reward, market history, and the psychology of the market. It’s one of the best investing books for building a solid working theory about investment.

Best Career Life Books

“Mistakes I Made at Work: 25 Influential Women Reflect on What They Got Out of Getting It Wrong”

If you are just starting out with your career, then you are very lucky. If you have started a career path and you feel dissatisfied with job, you are just as lucky, and if you are seeking to advance at work or dealing with issues of perfectionism, then this is the right time to get this book. The book shares the work-like experiences of 25 successful women, revealing the various mistakes they have made, how they dealt with it, the lessons they learnt, and most importantly, how they move on.

Finally, everyone should read “Who Moved My Cheese?” It’s a book that explores how we all react differently to change. The book is written in a simple narrative of a story being told among friends and would enlighten you on how to look out for change at work, your relationship and in life. It would also remind you on the need to prepare for change and most importantly how to move on when change does happen.

If you have not read any of these books, you should start with Who Moved My Cheese. If you have read some of the above mentioned books, then good for you, it’s time to read the rest. 

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